Thursday, August 30, 2007


So, I'm back at school now. I have so much fucking work to do I don't even know where to start. I don't think I'll be able to make it through this year, unless I get a miracle or something. I can't stand the program I'm in. I have to become someone else just to be able to fit in. Everyone here is, "pretty princess" and they all have to be the best at everything. Kiss the teachers ass. I feel so different because I don't want to do all the things everyone else does, like go to the bar...etc, but I'm just not like that. Maybe I just need to suck it up and stop crying all the time, but I feel so depressed. I really need to eat dinner, but I'm not going to go sit in the cafe and really have a feeling of having no friends. Or, I should say "true" friends. I still talk to people, but no one ever calls me just to see how I'm doing. I feel like my life is such a waste. That's all for now.


Erifia Apoc said...

Kill them all. Leave no survivors.

Darth Inferna said...

Wow. That was dark of you Erifia.

Anonymous said...

*hugs* You'll make it. If you want I can come up there and blast the school with Force lighining and distroy it. *grins*

Skywalker said...

Schol is never easy. and never fun.
